武大生科院6年研究 发PNAS文章
【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2009年02月17日 来源:生物通
生物通报道:武汉大学生命科学学院病毒学国家重点实验室,芬兰赫尔辛基大学(University of Helsinki) 的研究人员发现了SARS冠状病毒致命点:一组叫“非结构蛋白nsp14”的基因编码。这一研究成果公布在《PNAS》杂志上。
陈宇形象地解释,首先,它为病毒遗传信息乔装打扮,让免疫系统识别不出,采取“特洛伊木马战术”,不知不觉中将大量部队送入了要袭击的地方。 非典病毒的遗传信息是通过RNA传递的,很不稳定,容易降解,但这项“帽子”能起到保护作用。此外,它还是将其基因变成病毒生病蛋白的核心,没有这组编码,再多基因也变不成病毒。
职称职务: 特聘教授,博导,副院长
出 生: 1965年4月于河南省
学 位: 博士
毕业学校: 联邦德国布伦瑞克理工大学
学科专业: 微生物学、病毒学、分子生物学
1. Peng X, Pan J, Gong R, Liu Y, Kang S, Feng H, Qiu G, Guo D, Tien P, Xiao G.. (2006). Functional characterization of syncytin-A, a newly murine endogenous virus envelope protein: implication for its fusion mechanism. J Biol Chem. 2006 Nov 14; [Epub ahead of print].
2.Hussain Snawar, Ji’an Pan, Yu Chen, Yalin Yang, Jing Xu, Yu Peng, Ying Wu, Chaoyang Li, Ying Zhu, Po Tien, Deyin Guo*. (2005). Identification of novel subgenomic RNAs and noncanonical transcription initiation signals of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Journal of Virology 79:5288-95.
3. Zhaoyang Li, Yong Xiong, Yu Peng, Ji’an Pan, Yu Chen, Xiaoyun Wu, Snawar Hussain, Po Tien, Deyin Guo*. (2005). Specific inhibition of HIV-1 replication by short hairpin RNAs targeting human cyclin T1 without inducing apoptosis. FEBS Lett. 579, 3100-6.
4. Zhu, Y., M. Liu, W. Zhao, J. Zhang, X. Zhang, K. Wang, C. Gu, K. Wu, Y. Li, C. Zheng, G. Xiao, H. Yan, J. Zhang, D. Guo, P. Tien, and J. Wu. (2005). Isolation of virus from a SARS patient and genome-wide analysis of genetic mutations related to pathogenesis and epidemiology from 47 SARS-CoV isolates. Virus Genes 30: 93-102.
5. Deyin Guo*, Carl Spetz, Mart Saarma & Jari Valkonen. (2003) Two plant proteins, including a novel RING-finger protein, interact with the potyviral multifunctional protein HC-Pro. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 16, 405-410.
6. Deyin Guo*, Minna-Liisa Rajam?ki, Mart Saarma & Jari PT Valkonen. (2001). Towards a protein interaction map of potyviruses: protein interaction matrixes of two potyviruses based on the yeast two-hybrid system. Journal of General Virology 82, 935-939.
Functional screen reveals SARS coronavirus nonstructural protein nsp14 as a novel cap N7 methyltransferase
The N7-methylguanosine (m7G) cap is the defining structural feature of eukaryotic mRNAs. Most eukaryotic viruses that replicate in the cytoplasm, including coronaviruses, have evolved strategies to cap their RNAs. In this report, we used a yeast genetic system to functionally screen for the cap-forming enzymes encoded by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus and identified the nonstructural protein (nsp) 14 of SARS coronavirus as a (guanine-N7)-methyltransferase (N7-MTase) in vivo in yeast cells and in vitro using purified enzymes and RNA substrates. Interestingly, coronavirus nsp14 was previously characterized as a 3′-to-5′ exoribonuclease, and by mutational analysis, we mapped the N7-MTase domain to the carboxy-terminal part of nsp14 that shows features conserved with cellular N7-MTase in structure-based sequence alignment. The exoribonuclease active site was dispensable but the exoribonuclease domain was required for N7-MTase activity. Such combination of the 2 functional domains in coronavirus nsp14 suggests that it may represent a novel form of RNA-processing enzymes. Mutational analysis in a replicon system showed that the N7-MTase activity was important for SARS virus replication/transcription and can thus be used as an attractive drug target to develop antivirals for control of coronaviruses including the deadly SARS virus. Furthermore, the observation that the N7-MTase of RNA life could function in lieu of that in DNA life provides interesting evolutionary insight and practical possibilities in antiviral drug screening.